Planning application process

On a monthly basis, a nominated member of the Planning Committee undertakes to review the planning applications which have been notified to the Parish Council by Milton Keynes Development Control.

The Parish Council does not have any statutory powers in the planning process but has the opportunity to comment to Milton Keynes Council Development Control as appropriate on planning applications within the Parish.

The procedure which is followed is detailed in our Planning Process Document. The Milton Keynes planning pages are accessible for anyone to check the details of a particular planning application.  Just go to and follow the links.

***Please note*** The Milton Keynes planning portal has recently been migrated to a new system, and we are anticipating the full operation of this system soon.  Please contact the City Council directly at for any further information.

Planning applications to be considered

Below is a list of the planning applications to be considered this month. The agenda for this meeting can be found here.

24/01273/HOU51 Hayton Way, Tattenhoe Park, Milton Keynes, MK4 4LD The erection of single story rear extension, and conversion of the loft with front and back dormer

24/01670/DISCON • Phase 7, Tattenhoe Park, Snelshall Street H7 To H8, Milton Keynes Approval of details required by conditions 6 (estate roads, footways and cycleways), 7 (disposal of surface water from the highway) and 12 (foul water drainage) of permission ref. 17/00918/OUT

24/01671/DISCON • Phase 7, Tattenhoe Park, Snelshall Street H7 To H8, Milton Keynes Approval of details required by conditions 6 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) and 10 (Finished Floor Levels) of permission ref. 24/00072/REM

24/01695/DISCON • Phase 7, Tattenhoe Park, Snelshall Street H7 To H8, Milton Keynes Approval of details required by condition 9 (Landscaping) and condition 16 (Trees and arboriculture) of permission ref. 24/00072/REM

24/01804/HOU 8 Cardiff Way, Kingsmead, Milton Keynes, MK4 4LT Conversion of existing loft space and roof extension to habitable space along with conversion of existing loft space in the garage into a home-office

24/01933/REM • Phase 6, Tattenhoe Park, Snelshall Street H7 To H8, Milton Keynes Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. 17/00918/OUT for the construction of 170 residential dwellings and provision of public open space. EIA development

PLN/2024/2230 • 20 Rushfields Close, Westcroft, Milton Keynes, MK4 4FR Proposed single, part two storey rear extension with associated internal and external works

PLN/2024/2299 • 39 Redhuish Close, Furzton, Milton Keynes, MK4 1HJ Certificate of Lawfulness for a loft conversion with dormer extension to the rear roofslope and rooflights on the front roofslope

PLN/2024/2305 • 4 Sharkham Court, Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes, MK4 3BU Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey side extension

PLN/2024/2326 • 18 Barkestone Close, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, MK4 2AT Demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of a single storey rear extension and partial conversion of the existing garage into a home office/gym

PLN/2024/2338 • The Italian Sul Lago, Watling Street, Furzton, Milton Keynes, MK5 8AA Variation of condition(s) 13 (Opening Hours) and 16 (Lighting) seeking to revise the wording of condition 13 with the amended opening hours and changes to the internal restaurant lighting for condition 16 (relating to permission ref. 19/01072/FUL Variation of condition 1 (Approved Drawings) attached to planning permission 16/01819/FUL [The erection of a 2 storey building housing a cafe, cycle hire and shop, public toilets, security office and souvenir shop / ticket office plus 27 holes of ‘Jurassic-themed’ Adventure Golf with dinosaurs, water features and hard and soft landscaping and an extension to the adjacent car park])

Tattenhoe Park

***UPDATE 15/10/2024***

Construction has begun on a new play area near Priory Park Pavilion.  The park will feature equipment suitable for a range of age groups, and should be completed by Christmas, depending on weather conditions.  The work is being carried out by Milton Keynes City Council, and is not currently intended to come under the Parish Council’s management, however residents should feel free to contact us if they have any questions.

Elsewhere on Tattenhoe Park, residents may have seen a notice regarding a licensing application for a Sainsbury’s store.  As yet, we have not seen any details of where that store is intended to be located, but it is likely to be at the site earmarked as a local centre, where Twain Way joins Snelshall Street (V1).  We will provide updates as we receive them.


Tattenhoe Park is still in the process of being constructed, becoming an increasingly vibrant and diverse community within the parish.

As with many grid squares in Milton Keynes, aspects of the estate’s infrastructure will be delivered piece by piece, including play areas, allotments and a local centre.  Each section of Tattenhoe Park is subject to applications and amendments by different construction companies in collaboration with Milton Keynes City Council.

It is likely that portions of the developed area will eventually fall under the responsibility of the Parish Council, but the timeline for this has yet to be determined.  The Parish Council has a voice in the consultation process for the applications for each phase of the development, but ultimately we cannot dictate or block any element of the construction on land which is not under our control.

Click here for the Tattenhoe Park masterplan, approved by Milton Keynes Council in 2017. This plan has undergone some amendments in the years since it was originally approved, but it is a reasonable overview of the planned development.

Below are links to specific stages of construction across Tattenhoe Park:

These links are no longer functioning due to the migration of the City Council’s planning portal to a new system.  We will update these links with their new addresses as soon as possible.  Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Phase 1 [Site 1] – Off Hayton Way

Phase 2 – Off Bronte Avenue and Priestley Drive

Phase 3 – Off Priestley Drive

Phase 4 – Off Priestley Drive and Twain Way

Phase 4A – Off Twain Way

Phase 5 – Off Bronte Avenue

Phase 6 – Off Twain Way

Phase 7 – Off Twain Way

Proposed play areas at Priory Park Pavilion

To gain an understanding of the applications affecting Tattenhoe Park or any other area of the parish, residents can visit the Milton Keynes planning portal and use the search functions.