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Thinning and replanting

The Parks Trust has shared a letter sent to residents in the vicinity of a strip of trees between Emerson Valley and Furzton. Below, The Parks Trust’s Operations Manager Frank Gill explains why the work is taking place.

“Due to some health issues affecting the trees growing inside these plantations, we need to carry out works to remove affected trees that are at risk of causing a hazard to the public (some of the trees have already failed onto the Redway).

“In addition to those that have failed, you may have noticed there is a lot of dieback within the crowns of the Poplar trees which dominate the planting within these areas. The second major tree species present in the plantation is Ash, also suffering from the disease Ash die back. This is spreading through the UK Ash population and causing major dieback and death to a lot of trees.

“Works will also future-proof the plantations for future generations by diversifying the species present, replanting in the same Winter as felling is due to take place. Please see the plans below outlining the two phases.”

Aerial view of two plantations to be thinned

Areas where work will be carried out

Phase 1, Winter Early 2024

Fell the majority of trees within the front half of plantation 1 and 2.  Re-planting will be carried out in the same winter.

Phase 2, Winter Early 2025

Fell the majority of trees within the back half of plantation 1 and 2.  Re-planting will be carried out in the same winter.

“Along the old road which is now a Redway there are hedgerows that have been retained prior to any development.  We are not planning on carrying out any work on these at present.  We understand they will provide some screening for the residents which live opposite the Redway as we carry out the work.

“With the replanting, this will obviously take time to grow up to the same height as the current plantations but in the longer term will provide a more suitable and safer landscape to the area.

“If there are any questions about this work please contact me via”

Find out more about The Parks Trust’s tree thinning work here:

Visit for information about the work of the Parish Council’s Environment & Landscape Team.

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