We are fortunate as a parish to be able to offer grants to groups supporting our local area.  Any community group, playgroup, society or charitable organisation – either within the parish or whose activities may benefit residents of the parish – may apply for a grant from the Parish Council.

Write and tell us about your organisation, the work you do and how you would like to use the grant.  Your application could be in the interest of the environment, training and education, community safety or improving quality of life and must offer residents a lasting benefit.

If you can show us that the grant will be put to good use, we are only too pleased to help.  We will also provide space in Community News as well as using our online presence to publicise the work of organisations receiving grants.

Click the links below to download our grant information:

For more information about how to apply for a grant, email administration@shenleybrookend-pc.gov.uk, call us on 01908 521538, or write to:

Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe Parish Council
1 Wimborne Crescent
Milton Keynes

Some previous grant recipients

Milton Keynes RUFC • Phoenix Tri MK • MK Christmas Party Secklow Sounds YMCA MK • Putman House • Courtney Lodge • MK Pride • Truth for Youth