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Flying the flag our our biggest local park

It is with great pride that we announce that Shenley Brook End Recreation Ground has won the prestigious Green Flag Award 2024!

This is the culmination of a year’s hard graft and dedication.  Coordinated by Environmental Services Manager Wayne Palmer, working in unison with Phil Snell from Milton Keynes City Council, the park has seen more than 800 new trees, a new sculpture made from a tree grown in Milton Keynes, refurbished seating and railings, grass raking, litter picking, bird boxes and newt surveys.

Two people raking grass in a wide ditch

Volunteers raking the summer grass cuttings

Many people planting a series of trees next to existing woodland

Dozens of residents from across MK planting hundreds of new trees

As well as our brilliant Environment & Landscape Team, the Rec Ground has been under the care of Parish Wardens, our Play Park Officer, Community Officer, and parish councillors.  Special mention must go to all our new friends at Community Trees MK for their work planting new trees at the start of 2024.

Most of all, our biggest thanks to all the members of the public who came out to help us with planting, painting, litter-picking, raking…the list goes on.  We can only do this work with the support of the residents who visit the park, and this award belongs to everyone who has played their part.

We hope that you are as proud of this achievement as we are.  Shenley Brook End Recreation Ground has become the gold standard for green spaces in our parish, and Wayne has ambitions of bringing the Green Flag award to other parks under our care across the parish.

Once again, thanks to each and every one of you!

Thanks to local videographer Alan Marlow for his stunning footage

People repainting railings on a bridge

Repainting ironwork on the bridges

Stylistic wood sculpture of a tree surrounded by a black iron bench

Sculpture by a MK-based artist Ian Freemantle

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